Namibian Government seeks Expression of Interest (EOI) for FuNDING OF REASIBILITY STUDY AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE NEW RAILWAY CORRIDOR BETWEEN BOTSWANA AND NAMIBIA, THE TRANS KALAHARI RAILWAY. PLEASE VISIT WWW.TKRPMO.COM FOR DETAILS. (note: the TRANSKALAHARI RAILWAY is a governmental institution and is NOT RELATED WITH "kdi", which is a non governmental organization, promoting development in Namibia and the kalahari region).
November 14 2022 a heavy storm hit the northern (Zambezi) region of Namibia, southern Zambia and the northwestern Botswana region. Displaced people camps were hit the severest as temporary dwelling structures are not up to heavy winds and rain. A large tree fell over trapping a woman sheltering her young child. The woman suffered a broken leg and was transported to the hospital in Windhoek for treatment. Please assist us to assist the displaced [in cooperation with the local authorities] to secure proper living locations, dwellings, infrastructure and utilities.
At age 11, still a child, this young lady went to fetch water for the family at a stream near the Zambezi river as was part of her childhood choirs. Once at the river, Lisita lowered the container into the water and waited for the murky part to subside when all of the sudden, an crocodile jumped out of the water and got hold of her right leg and would not let go. Lisita screamed her lungs out and soon folks from the area came to her aid. Unfortunately the crocodile left with the leg and Lisita has since been going about with crutches. Lisitia would love to have a prostheses which will make moving about much easier, but she cannot afford one. Please help KDI to help Lisita and many others like her with prostheses and to limit the crocodile attacks in the Zambezi region by clicking HERE.
KDI proposes a balanced solution to ecological cohabit of humans and crocodiles in the Zambezi Region through conservational management of the crocodile population in the Zambezi Region.
Please contact KDI for more information.
Please contact KDI for more information.
Need for childhood development centers (elementary schools)
Please visit the NAMIBIAN website link above for this article. This article proofs KDI's point of the need of elementary schools in rural areas. Please give so that we can provide schools to the rural communities. Thank you!
Cultural Events
This is an article close to KDI's "heart", cultural heritage preservation. Please visit the NAMIBIAN website for this article. You may subscribe to the Namibian by clicking on the subscribe button on the Namibian homepage website. Please support KDI in their efforts to preserve the Namibian cultural heritage or any of our other community development projects. Thanks you!